Dan Knowlton

August 27, 2016

Marketing Bakeoff: She Who Bakes | AM Marketing | KPS Digital Marketing

As the Great British Bakeoff started this week, there was a fierce baking battle happening in the She Who Bakes kitchen. Amy (@marketing_am) from AM Marketing went head to head with me in a spectacular Jammy Dodger Bakeoff.

August 23, 2016

Best Website Sales Tool: Leadfeeder

Are you interested in gaining more sales for your business?

Would you like an easy-to-use tool which will help you convert website visitors into paying customers?

I’ve been testing out Leadfeeder and it is without a doubt the best website sales tool I've used.

August 19, 2016

Chris ‘Kubby’ Kubbernus Snapchat Takeover – How To Start Your Business

Are you thinking about starting your own business?

Would you like some actionable advice on setting up your business from an expert?

The amazing Chris 'Kubby' Kubbernus took over my Snapcht and share some awesome advice on what you should think about when setting up your business - check it out!

August 4, 2016

When you stop caring what others think – you WIN!

Do you want to be successful?

Do you ever hold back on doing something because you are worried you'll get judged by others?

I've made a lot of mistakes through my life & business career but I've also learnt a lot. THE biggest lesson I've learn't is to stop worrying what others think and TAKE ACTION!

July 29, 2016

Facebook Captions Tutorial: Add Subtitles to your FB Videos

Do you create Facebook videos to promote your business?

Would you like to dramatically increase your Facebook Video views?

As much as 85% of Facebook video views happen with the sound off according to Digiday. This is why adding Facebook Captions to your Facebook videos is so, so important.

Watch the Facebook Captions Tutorial below to learn how you can add captions to your Facebook Videos.

July 23, 2016

Goal Setting: The 5 Minute Exercise That Will Change Your Life

Would you like to achieve your biggest goals?

Looking for a step by step strategy to help you achieve them? Who wouldn't right?

I've recently completed a goal setting exercise which has changed my life (seriously). It's made me understand exactly what I want to achieve in life and has made me create an Action Plan to help me achieve those goals (with allocated dates, tick boxes for each action & an accountability partner to make sure I stick to the plan).

July 19, 2016

Best lead Generation Software: OptinMonster

Are you interested in gaining more leads for your business?

Would you like an easy-to-use tool which will help you capture website visitors contact info & more?

For the past month I’ve been testing out OptinMonster and it has helped me capture 39 new leads, one of which converted into 5 days paid consultancy! Not bad eh?

In this short post I’ll explain what OptinMonster is, how you can use it and why I believe it’s the best Lead Generation software in the market.

June 30, 2016

Eat That Frog: 21 Life Changing Time Management Tips

Would you like to learn how to get more of the important things done in your day?

After reading Brian Tracy's international bestselling book 'Eat That Frog' I knew I had to share what I had learnt with you.

This blog will provide 21 stand alone time-management tips, accompanied by 21 Actionable steps you can take to instantly apply each tip.

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